Beauty Tips #001: Green Tea Toner

5:23 PM

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Green tea is an herbal drink that has been around for centuries. It is best known for its antioxidant properties and the stimulant effects of its caffeine. Green tea also contains polyphenols that are said to protect against free radicals, toxins and some cancers. Green tea also contains a number of healthy benefits for skin. It can provide a measure of sun protection, help reduce inflammation and increase the skin's elasticity. Green tea toner can cleanse and reduce the appearance of pores and give your skin a youthful glow. Making green tea toner at home is an inexpensive way to enhance your skin care routine. Here are some helpful steps to show you how to make a green tea toner too! 

How To Make A DIY Green Tea Toner?

1) Add 1 green tea bag into 1 cup approximately 100-200ml of boiling water.

2) Allow the tea to settle for 3-5 minutes.

3) Remove the tea bag and pour the liquid into an air-tight container!

Just soak the green tea in a mug or a cup!
4) Apply your homemade green tea toner to your face and neck 2 times per day, preferrably daytime after washing your face and night time before you go to sleep. Do not rinse after you wipe your face with green tea toner! :D

5) Store in the refrigerator for up to approximately 5 days (best used)

*However, for me, sometimes it could last up to 2 weeks depending on how cold your fridge are :P

How does it work for you? Let me know :)

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